Determining the dose of oxalic acid applied via vaporization needed for the control of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) pest Varroa destructor Cameron J. Jack, Edzard van Santen & James D. Ellis To cite this article: Cameron J. Jack, Edzard van Santen & James D. Ellis (2021) Determining the dose of oxalic acid applied via […]
Determining the dose of oxalic acid applied via
vaporization needed for the control of the honey
bee (Apis mellifera) pest Varroa destructor
Cameron J. Jack, Edzard van Santen & James D. Ellis
To cite this article: Cameron J. Jack, Edzard van Santen & James D. Ellis (2021) Determining
the dose of oxalic acid applied via vaporization needed for the control of the honey bee
(Apismellifera) pest Varroadestructor, Journal of Apicultural Research, 60:3, 414-420, DOI:
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00218839.2021.1877447